This site pays you upto 2 percent daily you can withdraw them daily make sure to invest at least 0.20 BTC for better daily payout otherwise have to wait
This is a URL shorner service which pays upto 0.003 Per Visit depending on Country
This service place a image identification lock to verify link click For advertising purpose it is also good network. It takes 5 seconds after that user have to verify by 3 unique image clicks
This is Service is also Good pays 0.001-0.002 $ per Visit If you have lot of traffic this can be very useful
User will have t wait for 5 seconds after by clicking on Continue button given link will be opened
This is the best network i have ever seen it pays 0.01 $ per popup ads it is much better than google adsense if you have good traffic
This Service is also good it encrypt the Url with Password but password can only be seen at the time of creation of paste if you forget it you can't recover thats the feature of binbox it pays upto 0.002$ per Visit